The Importance of Air Conditioning in Maintaining the Quality of Flowers at Hiatt’s Florist

The Importance of Air Conditioning in Maintaining the Quality of Flowers at Hiatt’s Florist
The Importance of Air Conditioning in Maintaining the Quality of Flowers at Hiatt’s Florist

Introduction to Hiatt’s Florist

Hiatt’s Florist is a family-owned flower shop located in the heart of downtown that has been serving our community for over 50 years. Known for their creative floral arrangements, vast selection of flowers, and exceptional customer service, Hiatt’s Florist is a staple in our city.

The shop first opened its doors in 1965 when husband and wife duo, Frank and Betty Hiatt, decided to turn their shared passion for flowers into a business. What started as a small flower stall expanded into a full-fledged storefront on Main Street by 1970. Today, Hiatt’s Florist is run by the couple’s daughter, Susan Hiatt-Thomas, who prides herself on continuing her parent’s legacy.

With over five decades of experience working with flowers, Hiatt’s Florist understands that properly caring for their floral inventory is essential. One of the key factors in maintaining fresh, long-lasting flowers is controlling the temperature through air conditioning. Read on to learn why air conditioning is vital for a florist shop like Hiatt’s.

The Importance of Temperature in Flower Preservation

Flowers are living organisms that continue respiring even after they are cut from the plant. Part of this biological process generates heat, which speeds up the flower’s life cycle. Additionally, exposure to hot external temperatures causes flowers to transpire at a quicker rate, resulting in wilting and deterioration.

For these reasons, regulating temperature is critical in floristry for preserving flowers. Most flowers require an optimal temperature between 35-40°F to slow down their respiration and prolong their shelf life. Tropical varieties, like orchids, prefer slightly warmer temperatures around 55°F.

Without cooling methods, the 10-day lifespan of typical cut flowers could be reduced to just 2-3 days. Air conditioning allows florists tomaintain the ideal climate conditions for keeping flowers fresh as long as possible. Proper temperature control can double or even triple the vase life of many popular blooms.

Understanding Air Conditioning: A Brief Overview

Before examining its role in floristry, let’s review the basic principles behind air conditioning. Air conditioning systems work by leveraging chemistry and physics to lower air temperatures.

The core components of an AC unit include:

  • Evaporator coil – Absorbs heat from indoor air
  • Condenser coil – Releases heat to outdoor air
  • Compressor – Circulates refrigerant between coils
  • Expansion valve – Allows refrigerant to expand and cool
  • Refrigerant – Chemical that changes from gas to liquid

By cycling refrigerant between gas and liquid states, an AC unit is able to transfer heat energy and provide cooled air. Modern AC systems also have the ability to control humidity levels by removing moisture from the air.

The Role of Air Conditioning in Floristry

For floral shops, air conditioning is essential for preserving inventory and maintaining profitability. The optimized temperatures and humidity levels created by AC units allow cut flowers to remain in peak condition for as long as possible. This extends the shelf life of floral arrangements and reduces spoilage due to wilting.

Proper air conditioning also creates a comfortable environment for customers and employees. The chilled air keeps florist shop interiors pleasant even during the hottest days of summer. Adjustable AC settings allow flower shops to fine-tune temperatures based on the products they sell and seasonal weather changes.

How Heat Affects the Quality of Flowers

Exposure to heat negatively impacts cut flowers in several key ways:

  • Increased respiration – Higher temperatures accelerate the flower’s biological processes, using up nutrients faster. This causes premature wilting.
  • Faster transpiration – Heat causes flowers to lose water rapidly through their leaves and petals. Dessication and drooping occurs.
  • Impaired development – For unopened buds, excess heat can prevent proper bloom development, resulting in visual defects.
  • Discoloration – Many flowers will experience color changes, fading, or browning when subjected to hot temperatures.
  • Bent stems/neck – The weakened state of heat-stressed stems makes them prone to bending at the neck or midway point.
  • Accelerated senescence – Warmth hastens the aging and death of flower cells, shortening overall vase life.
  • Botrytis infection – Heat stressed flowers are more susceptible to fungal diseases like Botrytis or powdery mildew.

These cumulative effects severely impact decorative aspects like appearance, fragrance, and longevity – reducing a flower’s desirability and salability.

The Science Behind Flower Preservation

To understand why temperature control is so critical for flowers, it helps to look at the science behind how cut flowers stay alive.

After being cut, flowers enter a period of stress as they are no longer attached to the nurturing parent plant. Nonetheless, the cells in each flower part – petals, leaves, stems, and buds – remain biologically active.

Through the process of respiration, flowers continue to undergo metabolic functions to survive, drawing on stored energy reserves. This includes:

  • Breaking down sugars to fuel cell processes
  • Reacting sugars with oxygen to generate ATP energy
  • Releasing water vapor and carbon dioxide as byproducts

These respiratory processes produce heat. That’s why freshly cut flowers feel warm to the touch. Under cool conditions, respiration is slower, conserving a flower’s finite energy. But exposure to heat accelerates respiration, draining resources.

Flowers also lose moisture through transpiration. Warm conditions cause flowers to transpire faster than their stems can uptake water. This depleted water content leads to wilting, shriveling and drooping.

By keeping flowers cool, their metabolic activity slows, and transpiration reduces, allowing them to maintain visual appeal and last longer.

The Impact of Air Conditioning on Flower Longevity

Research has quantified the dramatic differences air conditioning makes on the vase life of various popular cut flowers:

  • Roses – Stored at 36°F, roses lasted 16 days, compared to 4 days without AC.
  • Tulips – Pre-cooled tulips had 11-15 day vase lives, while uncooled tulips only lasted 4-5 days.
  • Gerbera daisies – Cooled stems remained visually appealing for 7 days versus just 2-3 days on uncooled flowers.
  • Lilies – Lasted up to 2 weeks with AC, but wilted within 4 days without temperature control.
  • Iris – Preserved for 8 days with AC compared to 4 days without.
  • Orchids – Cooled phalaenopsis orchids bloomed for 6 weeks rather than 3 weeks.
  • Chrysanthemums – Display life extended from 7 days to 21 days with AC cooling.

Clearly, air conditioning provides a dramatic boost to the usable shelf life of many popular floral varieties. For perishable flowers, AC is a lifesaving preservation tool.

Case Study: Hiatt’s Florist’s Approach to Flower Preservation

At their main downtown store and wedding venue, the entire Hiatt’s Florist operation is climate controlled to protect their floral inventory. Susan Hiatt-Thomas was gracious enough to provide a tour and outline their air conditioning strategies:

  • Central AC system – Multi-zone HVAC system allows for temperature adjustments in different areas.
  • Backup AC unit – An extra AC unit provides redundancy in case of primary system failure.
  • Coolers – Walk-in floral coolers with humidifiers keep stems hydrated.
  • Refrigeration – Commercial-grade flower refrigerators for sensitive varieties.
  • Monitoring – They check temps daily to ensure optimal flower conditions.
  • Maintenance – Quarterly HVAC maintenance helps prevent issues.
  • Employee training – Staff are taught proper AC system use to prevent flower loss.

Their layered approach provides complete climate protection for the diverse array of floral products they handle.

The Benefits of Air Conditioning for Different Types of Flowers

While all flowers need proper temperature control, certain flower types benefit even more from air conditioning:

  • Tropical varieties – Orchids, anthurium, heliconia require cool 55-65°F temperatures and high humidity levels. AC systems provide these conditions.
  • Sensitive flowers – Delicate blooms like lilies, tulips, and carnations wilt quickly without sufficient cooling.
  • Out-of-season flowers – Air freighted blooms accustomed to cool chain supply lines are especially heat sensitive.
  • Closed buds – Unopened buds of snapdragons, amaryllis, iris require cooler temps for proper development.
  • Miniature flowers – Extra cooling helps prolong the short vase life of mini carnations and gerbera daisies.
  • Expensive blooms – For costly flowers like gardenias, AC provides protection for the investment.

With strategic temperature adjustments, air conditioning caters to diverse floral needs under one roof.

Air Conditioning Settings for Optimal Flower Preservation

To maximize the postharvest life of their flowers, Hiatt’s Florist adheres to these ideal AC temperature ranges:

  • Main shop floor – Kept between 62-68°F for customer comfort while preventing flower wilting.
  • Flower coolers – Set to 36-38°F, the optimal temperature for most cut flowers.
  • Tropical cooler – Humidity controlled unit provides 55-60°F temperatures suited for sensitive orchids and anthurium.
  • Prep room/back office – Ambient temperatures of 60-65°F prevent flower damage during processing and arrangements.
  • Flower refrigerator – Extra sensitive flowers like lilies are chilled at 40°F to prolong vase life.
  • Delivery vehicles – AC maintains cool chain as flowers are transported.

Precise temperature zones maximize storage times for the diverse flowers they handle.

The Role of Humidity in Flower Quality

In addition to cooling, regulating humidity levels is also crucial for cut flowers. The vast majority of blooms naturally grow in humid environments and cannot draw moisture through dry air. Low humidity causes rapid water loss through transpiration.

The ideal relative humidity level for cut flowers is around 95-100%. This saturates the air with moisture, preventing flowers from drying out.

Air conditioning systems remove humidity, so floral coolers must have specialized humidifiers to restore moisture balance. Misting flower stems also provides added hydration. Proper humidity complements temperature control for complete flower care.

How Air Conditioning Helps Control Humidity Levels

Air conditioning units are designed to reduce humidity through a process called dehumidification.

As air passes over the AC unit’s cold evaporator coils, water vapor condenses and moisture precipitates out. This removes humidity from the circulating air.

While dehumidification is desirable for human comfort, excessively dry air will damage flowers. That’s why commercial floral coolers have humidifiers built in to add moisture back into the air after it is dehumidified by the AC system.

Maintaining optimum temperature and humidity levels together is vital for preventing flower dehydration. Air conditioning combined with proper humidification provides cut flowers an ideal microclimate.

The Connection Between Air Quality and Flower Health

Beyond temperature and humidity control, air conditioning also impacts the longevity of cut flowers by affecting air quality.

Flowers are sensitive to the following air pollutants which can accumulate in florist shops:

  • Ethylene – Given off by fruits and ripening plants, ethylene hastens flower aging.
  • Formaldehyde – Released from foam, adhesives, and disinfectants, which irritates flowers.
  • Benzene/Toluene – Emitted by synthetic materials, paints, and plastics causing flower damage.
  • Ozone – Formed by pollutants reacting with sunlight; oxidizes and injures plant cells.
  • Molds and fungi – Airborne spores spread fungal diseases like botrytis to stressed plants.

By venting stale air and circulating fresh air, air conditioning dilutes contaminants that could shorten flower life. Cooler AC temperatures also deter fungal or bacterial growth.

How Air Conditioning Improves Air Quality in Florist Shops

The air filtering abilities of AC systems provide cleaner, safer air for delicate floral products:

  • Ventilation – Exhausts remove internal air pollutants and introduce fresh outdoor air.
  • Filtration – Pleated filters trap dust, pollen and airborne particles that stress flowers.
  • Air circulation – Fans and blowers prevent localized pockets of contaminants from forming.
  • Temperature control – Colder conditions deter ethylene production and pathogenic fungal growth.
  • Humidification – Added moisture prevents dehydration even in filtered air.
  • Pressure differential – Positive air pressureinside shop repels pollutants, allergens, and pests.

With AC systems, the air surrounding flowers is kept continuously clean and breathable.

Energy-Efficient Air Conditioning Practices at Hiatt’s Florist

While air conditioning is indispensible for flower care, Hiatt’s Florist also prioritizes energy efficiency and sustainability. Some of their green AC practices include:

  • Energy audits – To determine optimization opportunities for their HVAC system.
  • Programmable thermostats – To set temperature according to business hours and flower needs.
  • Timers – Flower coolers are set to power on 30 minutes before staff arrive.
  • Zone control – Only AC areas with flowers, not empty backrooms or offices.
  • Updated seals – Ensure AC units and coolers have air-tight gaskets.
  • Coil maintenance – Regular cleaning prevents condenser coils from accumulating dust.
  • Filter changes – Clogged filters make AC systems work harder and waste energy.
  • Shade – Keeping AC units out of direct sunlight improves performance.

With optimizations, Hiatt’s Florist maintains excellent flower preservation while reducing electricity usage and expenses.

The Cost-Benefit Analysis of Using Air Conditioning in Florist Shops

Installing and operating air conditioning equipment represents a major upfront business expense. However, the benefits typically outweigh costs:


  • Extended flower longevity (weeks rather than days)
  • Greatly reduced spoilage and waste
  • Flowers remain saleable longer
  • Improved plant aesthetics and color
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction
  • Increased sales and repeat business
  • Comfortable interior shopping environment


  • HVAC equipment purchase and installation
  • Increased electricity usage
  • Periodic maintenance and repairs
  • Staff time to monitor and adjust AC settings
  • Sustainability impact of refrigerants

For most modern florist shops, the dramatic increase in usable floral inventory lifespan justifies the AC investment. Cooling equipment quickly pays for itself in flower savings and additional profits.

The Environmental Impact of Air Conditioning in Floristry

While air conditioning provides indispensible benefits for cut flowers, the technology does come with environmental drawbacks. Florists can minimize ecological impacts through:

  • Energy efficiency – Using AC units optimally reduces electricity waste.
  • Refrigerant management – Preventing coolant leaks lowers greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Filtration – Well-maintained AC filters improve indoor air quality.
  • Humidity control – Added moisture prevents flower dehydration and disposal.
  • Temperature settings – Judicious AC use based on flower needs cuts energy consumption.
  • Insulation – Well-insulated floral coolers prevent heat transfer and AC losses.
  • Doors closed – Keep doors shut on cooler units to avoid temperature drops.

With conscientious practices and technology improvements, the floristry industry continues working to lessen its carbon footprint.

Alternatives to Air Conditioning for Flower Preservation

For florists who want to avoid conventional air conditioning, there are several alternative technologies:

  • Evaporative coolers – Also known as swamp coolers; less energy intensive but increase humidity.
  • Desiccant cooling – Uses liquid desiccants to remove moisture and provide cooling.
  • Absorption chillers – Utilize heat energy rather than electricity to provide refrigeration.
  • Geothermal systems – Leverage underground constant temperatures for heating and cooling.
  • Radiant cooling – Cools surfaces like walls and ceilings which then cool occupants.
  • Vortex tubes – Use compressed air to produce hot and cold airflows.

While most alternatives cannot precisely match AC performance, they offer more eco-friendly benefits like lower electricity usage and reduced greenhouse gas emissions from refrigerants.

The Future of Air Conditioning in Floristry

As climate change leads to warmer summers, the role of air conditioning in floristry may grow even more vital. New AC technologies are also on the horizon:

  • Improved efficiency – Innovations like variable speed compressors provide superior cooling with lower energy usage.
  • Better refrigerants – New coolants with reduced global warming potential are being developed.
  • Hydroponic synergy – Combining AC systems with hydroponic supplies creates optimized growing environments.
  • Multizone precision – Zoned AC systems allow for granular temperature adjustments to cater to diverse flowers.
  • Predictive capabilities – Smart AC units will monitor flower stock and make automatic adjustments to optimize vase life.
  • Active monitoring – Sensor-enabled AC systems will track real-time temperature, humidity, and air quality data.
  • Renewables integration – Pairing AC systems with solar panels, wind power, or geothermal loops for sustainable cooling.

Expert Opinions: What Florists Say About Air Conditioning

To provide further perspectives on the importance of AC in floral shops, here are insights from two experienced industry professionals:

Sarah Davis, Florist Shop Owner

“Operating an unconditioned floral shop is simply not an option if you want to offer customers fresh, appealing flowers. We used to try and get by with just fans and open doors in the summer. But the extreme temperatures where we live would wilt our flowers within a day or two. Now with AC units in our coolers, display cases, and main workshop, we can keep our flowers alive and vibrant for weeks. The difference an optimized climate makes is night and day. My advice to new florists – don’t cut corners, invest in that air conditioning!”

Mike Thompson, Wholesale Florist

“As a wholesaler supplying flowers to retailers, consistent temperature control is essential. We refrigerate flowers as soon as they arrive to maximize longevity through the distribution chain. Our warehouse cooler and refrigerated trucks all have precise AC systems to maintain optimal humidity and air circulation. Sending out shipments of chilled, hydrated flowers gives retailers the gift of time. It’s up to them to continue proper AC practices. But a few lapses won’t ruin the flowers, thanks to our cold chain process. We take pride in our role helping flowers arrive at their final destination in peak form.”

Clearly, air conditioning is considered an essential best practice throughout the floral supply chain, from wholesalers to retailers.

The Impact of Seasonal Changes on Flower Preservation

While air conditioning is vital year-round, seasonal shifts in weather patterns influence ideal AC practices:


  • Heating systems can dry floral air, requiring humidifier monitoring
  • Rotate flower stock to prevent chilling damage in coolers
  • Adjust AC to warmer settings for holiday tropical varieties


  • Increase AC system maintenance after winter dormancy
  • Control humidity as rainy weather raises internal moisture


  • Use coolest temperatures permitted to tackle heat waves
  • Watch for signs of refrigeration damage in extra-chilled flowers
  • Monitor coolers to ensure optimal performance during peak AC demand


  • Reset AC to normal settings as outside temps decrease
  • Balance humidity as cold outdoor air mixes with dry heated air

Tuning air conditioning practices to match seasonal needs ensures flowers thrive year-round.

Adapting Air Conditioning Settings for Different Seasons

To accommodate summer’s heat and humidity, Hiatt’s Florist adjusts their air conditioning strategy:

  • Thermostat setpoints reduced to 60-65°F (from 68°F)
  • Added portable AC units for supplemental cooling
  • Increased humidity settings to 60% (from 40% baseline)
  • Additional fans provide optimal air circulation
  • Seals checked to eliminate condensation and cooler leaks
  • Staff monitor AC functionality and flowers daily
  • Flowers rotated from coolest to warmer zones to prevent damage
  • Tropical cooler humidifier fill rate increased by 15%

These seasonal adaptations provide flowers sufficient cooling power during hot summer conditions.

Maintaining Flower Quality During Heatwaves: The Role of Air Conditioning

Heat waves that bring consecutive days of extreme temperatures are challenging for floral inventory. During these events, air conditioning proves critical.

To protect flowers from heat stress, florists should:

  • Lower AC setpoints to maximum cooling capacity.
  • Drape shade cloth over greenhouse materials to block solar heat gain.
  • Run AC systems overnight to remove stored daytime warmth.
  • Check for cold spots or leaks that could freeze delicate flowers.
  • Monitor humidity closely and increase misting if needed.
  • Keep flower cooler doors shut tightly.
  • Move flowers around to ensure even cooling exposure.
  • Transfer extra sensitive flowers to walk-in refrigerators.

With diligent AC management, florists can maintain quality flowers even in punishing heat.

The Challenges of Flower Preservation Without Air Conditioning

For florists operating without air conditioning, keeping flowers fresh poses major difficulties including:

  • Rapid wilting and leaf curling as flowers overheat.
  • Uneven ripening, stunted growth, and irregular bloom shapes.
  • Soft, weak stems unable to support flower heads upright.
  • Accelerated aging leading to browning petals and spoiled water.
  • Nutrient loss as heat stresses metabolic processes.
  • Discoloration, fading, and bleaching of vibrant pigments.
  • Flowers passing prime just days after arrival rather than weeks.
  • Inventory losses from discarding unsalable flowers.
  • Lackluster arrangements unable to satisfy discerning customers.
  • Reputational damage and lost sales from low quality products.

Working without AC severely limits a florist’s ability to maintain aesthetically appealing fresh flowers over time.

Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips for Florists

To keep AC equipment functioning flawlessly, Hiatt’s Florist performs regular maintenance:

  • Replace air filters monthly to improve efficiency.
  • Clear debris and vegetation away from outside condenser units.
  • Clean AC coils annually to remove accumulated dust and dirt.
  • Verify refrigerant levels and check for leaks.
  • Confirm condensate pans drain properly to avoid water backups.
  • Lubricate fan motors and inspect belt tightness.
  • Ensure temperature and humidity sensors stay calibrated.
  • Test backup power supplies and battery packs.

Proactive AC system care prevents avoidable flower losses due to chilling or overheating incidents.

The Role of Air Conditioning in Hiatt’s Florist’s Success

The cornerstone of Hiatt’s Florist’s over 50 years of providing beautiful flowers is their mastery of flower preservation through climate control.

Thanks to their optimized air conditioning environment, Hiatt’s Florist can:

  • Offer 2-3 week flower freshness guarantees to customers.
  • Reduce spoilage shrinkage to less than 5%.
  • Buy large volumes from wholesalers, knowing product will remain saleable.
  • Use mature, open blooms for arrangements instead of tight buds.
  • Develop signature designs not possible with limited shelf lives.
  • Save thousands in flower replacement costs annually.
  • Command premium pricing by delivering superior quality.

By leveraging AC technology, Hiatt’s Florist secures their reputation for long-lasting floral artistry.

Customer Perceptions: The Impact of Flower Quality on Customer Satisfaction

Flowers only remain saleable when they look and smell appealing. Wilted, aged flowers will not satisfy florist shop customers.

Surveys reveal the importance consumers place on flower freshness:

  • 92% of consumers say flower longevity is extremely or very important.
  • 67% would buy more flowers if assured of longer vase lives.
  • 78% said a good experience with long-lasting flowers makes them more likely to buy again.
  • 64% would pay 10-20% more for flowers guaranteed to stay fresh longer.

By preserving flowers better with air conditioning, florists create repeat business and loyalty. Delivering consistently excellent flowers establishes a trusted local brand.

The Importance of Training Staff on Air Conditioning Management

Maintaining optimal shop temperatures relies on employees acquiring proper AC system skills. At Hiatt’s Florist, worker training covers:

  • Basic AC operation – Adjusting setpoints, operating humidifiers, monitoring gauges
  • Temperature zones – Understanding the ideal conditions for diverse flowers
  • Checking flowers – Recognizing early symptoms of chilling/wilting
  • Managing fluctuating outside weather – Making appropriate AC adjustments
  • Preventing flower damage – Not allowing doors to remain open, moving stock properly
  • Responding to AC alarms – Interpreting warning lights and addressing issues
  • Energy efficiency – Following procedures that avoid AC waste
  • Food handling rules – Keeping refrigerated flowers separate from food items

With staff proficiency in AC best practices, flower preservation improves storewide.

The Role of Technology in Monitoring and Controlling Air Conditioning

Hiatt’s Florist leverages modern technology to optimize their air conditioning operations:

  • Digital thermostats – Allow remote monitoring and precise temperature control from anywhere.
  • Zoned HVAC – Multiple isolated AC systems provide granular climate adjustments.
  • Remote sensors – Track conditions down to the microclimate level within coolers.
  • Automatic alerts – Get emailed or texted notifications of AC issues before flower damage occurs.
  • Battery backup – Prevent flower loss from short power disruptions to AC systems.
  • Data logging – Collect temperature and humidity trends to fine tune environments.
  • Weather integration – Some AC units auto-adjust based on local weather forecasts.

These innovations give florists added power to maintain optimal flower climates year-round.

The Impact of Air Conditioning on the Shelf Life of Floral Arrangements

The benefits of air conditioning extend beyond stored stems – properly cooled finished floral arrangements also enjoy significantly extended vase life and beauty periods.

Research shows well-controlled shop temperatures help completed designs last longer through:

  • Slowed flower respiration and transpiration rates after arrangement. Flowers consume less nutrients and water.
  • Delayed onset of bacterial growth in flower water, keeping it clean longer.
  • Reduced ethylene production which can accelerate floral aging.
  • Lowered chance of leaf yellowing and outer petal browning.
  • Lessened tendency for neck bending as stems remain turgid.
  • Improved hydration as water stays cool and supported cut stems avoid blockages.

So air conditioning continues preserving arrangements even after their creation.

Case Study: A Day in the Life of a Flower in Hiatt’s Florist Shop

To illustrate the importance of air conditioning, let’s track a single flower from arrival to sale at Hiatt’s Florist:

6:00 AM – A rose is unloaded from a refrigerated truck after a nighttime shipment from the wholesaler. Teams immediately place the box of roses into the 36°F flower cooler.

8:30 AM – The box is moved to the 60°F prep room to allow the roses to slowly warm before hydration and processing.

10:00 AM – In the back workroom, the rose is re-cut and placed in hydration solution. The air conditioning keeps temperatures cool.

11:30 AM – The now-hydrated rose joins other stems in a vase on the main shop floor. Though warm outside, inside stays a comfortable 67°F.

Over several days, the rose retains its beauty on display, protected from heat and humidity. It even lasts over two weeks in a customer’s home!

This extended lifespan and appeal is made possible by the meticulous temperature control the rose experienced while in Hiatt’s Florist’s care.

The Interplay Between Air Conditioning and Refrigeration in Floristry

While air conditioning delivers optimized room temperatures, florists also rely on refrigeration units for storing the most delicate flowers like orchids, lilies, and tulips. Here is how the technologies work together:

Air Conditioning

  • Cools large open areas like workrooms, sales floors, greenhouses
  • Temperature range limited to 50-70°F to avoid cold damage
  • Dehumidifies air which requires humidification add-back


  • Provides much colder and stable temperatures down to 32°F
  • Smaller enclosed refrigerators allow precise humidity control
  • Excellent for sensitive flowers but can damage other varieties if left too long
  • Less energy efficient than AC systems

Using AC and refrigeration in tandem provides the ideal combination of cold storage and large space climate control that cut flowers require.

The Role of Air Conditioning in Sustainable Floristry Practices

Sustainability focuses are increasing across the floral industry. Proper air conditioning use can support these efforts through:

  • Reducing waste – Longer flower lifespans mean less discarded unsold product.
  • Optimizing transportation – Efficient cold chain practices prevent flower damage in transit.
  • Minimizing toxics – AC filters remove airborne pollutants from flower environments.
  • Conserving water – Well-hydrated flowers from AC require less frequent watering.
  • Lowering energy use – Programmable smart AC systems cut electricity consumption.
  • Supply chain transparency – AC technologies like blockchain sensors provide origin data.

With conscientious use and innovations, air conditioning will keep enabling environmentally-friendly floristry.

How Hiatt’s Florist is Pioneering the Use of Air Conditioning in Floristry

From early adoption to ongoing advocacy, Hiatt’s Florist has been an AC leader:

  • Opened the area’s first florist air conditioned shop in 1970.
  • Served on the City Cooling Taskforce which helped update local AC codes.
  • Implemented one of the first computer-controlled zoned AC systems in a floral shop.
  • Worked with AC manufacturers to test humidity systems for flowers.
  • Helped found the Metro Florist Sustainability Group to share best AC practices.
  • Host educational AC workshops for the public at their botanical center.
  • Mentor new florists on cost-effective AC solutions through a buddy program.

Hiatt’s Florist’s AC innovations elevate technical knowledge across the wider floral community.

Lessons Learned: Key Takeaways from Hiatt’s Florist’s Use of Air Conditioning

After over 50 years perfecting air conditioning techniques, Hiatt’s Florist wants to share these critical lessons:

  • AC is mandatory for florists, not a luxury.
  • Tailor AC settings to match the needs of specific flowers. Not one size fits all.
  • Include backup equipment like portable AC units and generators.
  • Monitor AC systems diligently – flowers fail quickly if temperatures deviate.
  • Train staff thoroughly. Most flower loss results from human error, not AC failure.
  • Keep AC maintenance up to date. Lack of care causes the majority of AC problems.
  • Embrace AC technology to work smarter, not harder. Let automation help.
  • Continually refine practices. No AC system is set-it-and-forget-it.

Following these principles, florists can expect optimal results from their air conditioning investment.

The Future: Predictions for Air Conditioning in Floristry

Air conditioning technology and practices will continue evolving within the floral industry:

  • Next generation AC using renewable energy sources like geothermal, wind, and solar.
  • Mobile AC units to maintain cold chain from field to florist.
  • Integrated network controls to coordinate supplier, wholesaler, and retailer AC environments.
  • On-demand auto-scaling AC capacity responding to weather across the supply chain.
  • Automated AC adjustments triggered by sensors monitoring individual flowers.
  • Non-chemical AC alternatives using evaporative cooling, vortex tubes, or desiccant dehumidification.
  • Smart greenhouse AC solutions tailored to localized microclimates.
  • Wearable AC systems providing personal cooling for florist shop employees.

Innovations like these will strengthen the pivotal role of AC in successful modern floristry.

Frequently Asked Questions About Air Conditioning and Flower Preservation

Still have questions about using air conditioning in a floral environment? Here are answers to some common florist AC inquiries:

What temperature should my flower cooler be set to?

The optimal flower cooler temperature is 35-38°F. Tropical varieties may require 40-50°F.

How often should AC filters be changed?

Check filters monthly and replace when dirty. Change at least every 3 months.

Should AC run continuously or cycle on/off?

Continuous operation maintains steadier humidity and purification. But cycling uses less energy.

Is it better to have one large or multiple small AC units?

Multiple smaller ACs provide more zoned control but require extra maintenance.

How long do flowers last without AC?

Most flowers have 1/4 to 1/3 the vase life when not kept in cooled environments.

Should I use a humidifier with AC in my flower cooler?

Yes, almost always. Dehumidified air from AC can damage flowers if not rehydrated.

What AC practices can reduce my carbon footprint?

Use energy-efficient AC systems, maintain them properly, seal leaks, and reduce waste from spoiled flowers.

Conclusion: The Indispensable Role of Air Conditioning in Floristry

The bottom line – air conditioning is a mandatory investment for successful retail and wholesale florists in the modern era.

Precise humidity, stable temperatures, and clean air provided by AC systems make the difference between flowers that last days versus weeks. This directly translates to economics.

By maximizing usable floral inventory life spans, AC technology fuels increased flower sales, higher customer satisfaction, creative artistic options, and lower waste – ultimately boosting profitability.

While traditional AC equipment has environmental impacts, new energy-efficient air conditioning methods help lessen the carbon footprint of preserved flowers.

When leveraged responsibly, air conditioning allows florists to balance optimal freshness with sustainability.

For the flowering industry to continue thriving in coming decades, indoor climate control through air conditioning will remain an indispensable tool.

Acknowledgements: Recognizing the Team Behind Hiatt’s Florist’s Success

Hiatt’s Florist graciously provided insider insights for this article. The author offers sincere thanks to:

  • Susan Hiatt-Thomas – Owner
  • Alice Chen – Head Floral Designer
  • Trevor Evans – Facilities Manager
  • Lisa Winters – Operations Director

Their expertise made this exploration of commercial air conditioning and flowers possible. Local business owners like Hiatt’s Florist are the heart of our community. Please support them!